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Composite Veneers: Colour Change Over Time and Treatment

Composite fillings are a popular dental treatment method used to treat cavities and repair damaged areas of teeth. Composite fillings, which are known for providing a tooth-coloured appearance, are aesthetically preferred. However, some changes in the colour of composite fillings may occur over time, which may cause concern among patients.

Colour changes in composite fillings are usually due to the following factors:

1. Dietary Habits: Regular consumption of pigment-containing foods such as tea, coffee and coloured drinks can cause discolouration and staining of the filling over time.

2. Smoking: Discolouration of dental fillings can be seen more frequently in smokers. Nicotine and other harmful substances cause darkening in the colour of the filling.

3. Wear and tear: Normal chewing and eating habits can cause the teeth to wear down and roughen the surface of the fillings, triggering discolouration.

4. Dental Hygiene: Inadequate dental hygiene leads to the accumulation of bacterial plaque and stains on the filling surface and prepares the ground for discolouration.

The following measures can be taken to prevent or delay changes in the colour of composite fillings:

  • It is important to have regular dental check-ups and monitor the discolouration of fillings.
  • Reducing the consumption of coloured drinks and pigment-containing foods by paying attention to healthy eating habits can help prevent staining.
  • Avoiding smoking is an important step to preserve the colour of the fillings.
  • Maintaining proper dental hygiene helps to prevent discolouration by reducing plaque and stains that accumulate on the filling surface.

If you notice discolouration or other problems with your composite fillings, the best step is to consult a dentist. Your dentist will recommend appropriate treatments and ensure that you regain the health and aesthetic appearance of your fillings.